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Overhanging Hangover on Black Velvet Wall.
Wholesome Fullback

Shirley starting up pitch 1 of Wholesome Fullback (5.10-) on Whiskey Peak. Cruxy start (for me; November 2007).

Shirley on the opening crux of the Wholesome Fullback (Nov. 2007).

Higher on pitch 1 (Nov. 2007).

Following pitch 1 (Nov. 2007).

Following Shirley up the first pitch of Wholesome Fullback – nice splitter hands crack section (Nov. 2007).

Topping out on the aesthetic pitch 1 (Nov. 2007).

Leading pitch 2 of Wholesome Fullback (Nov. 2007).

Leading the easy pitch 2 of Wholesome Fullback (Nov. 2007).

Shirley in the finishing chimney – pitch 2 of Wholesome Fullback (Nov. 2007).

View of Black Velvet Wall from the top of Wholesome Fullback route. Multiple parties scattered on POD & Dream Of Wild Turkeys (Nov. 2007).

Unknown climber starting up Wholesome Fullback.
Arrow Place

Unknown climbers on pitch 2 of Triassic Sands (5.10). Pitches 2-3.5 are visible in the shot as is the wide splitter of Ixtlan (left).

Shirley on the short approach to the Burlap Buttress. Whiskey Peak (incl. Triassic Sands) is in the background (Nov. 2007).

Laced it up with some thin gear…was worried about landing on top of a large yucca plant at the base (Nov. 2007).

Leading pitch 1 of Arrowplace 5.9 on Burlap Buttress (across the wash from Whiskey Peak). Easy climbing for the grade if you got the reach (thin pro) with a nice, sharp yucca plant at base to castrate…errrr catch you if you fall (Nov. 2007).

Shirley seconding pitch 1 of Arrowplace (5.9) on Burlap Buttress. Easier pitch for taller folk IMHO (Nov. 2007).

Shirley starting up pitch 2 of Arrowplace (Nov. 2007).
Overhanging Hangover

Shirley starting up pitch 1 of Overhanging Hangover (Nov. 2007).

Shirley leading pitch 1 of the spectacular Overhanging Hangover route on Black Velvet Wall (Nov. 2007).

Yours truly following pitch 1 of Overhanging Hangover. Steep and thin edging (Nov. 2007).

Leading pitch 2 of Overhanging Hangover (Nov. 2007).

Leading the final traverse under the huge roof that marks the 2nd pitch of Overhanging Hangover (Nov. 2007).

Shirley following pitch 2 of Overhanging Hangover.

More pitch 2 action as seen from the spectacular belay stance.

Shirley following the 2nd pitch of the sweet, sweet Overhanging Hangover on Black Velvet Wall (Nov. 2007).

Shirley following the second pitch of Overhanging Hangover belayed by yours truly (Nov. 2007).

A cool if uncomfortable belay atop pitch 2 of Overhanging Hangover.

Final moves on pitch 2 of Overhanging Hangover – a thin traverse out the side of the huge roof (Nov. 2007).
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